National Kidney Disease Surveillance System and Quality Assurance Programme

Understanding the burden and impact of Chronic kidney Disease in Ireland

Discover Our Projects

About Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a common chronic condition that affects as many as 10-15 percent of adults World wide and has a major impact on a person’s health.

Harmful: The first consequence of undetected CKD is the risk of developing progressive loss of kidney function that can lead to kidney failure (also called end-stage renal disease, ESRD) which means regular dialysis treatment or a kidney transplant is needed to survive. The second consequence of CKD is that it increases the risk of premature death from associated cardiovascular disease (i.e. heart attacks and strokes).

Treatable: If CKD is detected early and managed appropriately, the deterioration in kidney function can be slowed or even stopped, and the risk of associated cardiovascular complications can be reduced.


Our Goal

The overall goal of the National Kidney Disease Surveillance System (NKDSS) and Quality Assurance (QA) Programme is to improve the delivery, quality and outcomes of care provided to patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) or at risk of kidney disease in the Irish health system.

Research Themes

Our Research programme has multiple strands that focus on clinical epidemiology of kidney disease, clinical trials, medical devices, Health service research and Quality of Care


CKD Epidimiology

Burden and Porgression of Kidney disease in the Irish Health System



Acute kidney disease in the Irish Health System



Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Outcomes in End Stage Kidney Disease


Health Service Research

Dialysis strategies in the treatment of kidney failure



Inflammation and Bone Mineral Abnormalities in Chronic Kidney Disease



Quality of Life in Chronic Kidney disease and its determinants

We are dedicated to researching kidney disease.

We conduct and support clinical, epidemiological and translational research while fostering research training and mentoring opportunities to create new knowledge and to improve health of patients with CKD.

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Facts About Us

Foundational work to establish a NKDSS and QA Programme began in 2012 with engagements with the Health Services Executive, Data Protection Commissioner , Central Statistics Office and the National Renal Office. The official programme began with initial approval on 27th February 2013 and is led by Professor Austin Stack, University of Limerick

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